
Plant identification, ethnobotanical musings, and urban foraging in Berlin! This blog narrates our adventures in finding, identifying, and researching a variety of plants in the capital city of Germany. We are two expats who frequently wander through parks, along railroad tracks, or into the countryside in order to pursue our passion for exploring the natural world. We are especially interested in learning about medicinal and edible plants in the region, and are excited to share our adventures with you. Join us as we explore the abandoned spaces and untold histories of Berlin through the fascinating lens of botany!

[Disclaimer: Ultimately it is your responsibility to correctly identify plants in the wild if you are intending to harvest them. Check with multiple sources before confirming your identification, and remember the cardinal foraging rule: “if in doubt, don’t!”. Please forage responsibly… and enjoy!]

8 thoughts on “About”

  1. Thanks for the comment on my page, I’m adding you to my blogroll as well.

  2. I like your concept of urban botanizing. This is the first blog of that sort that I’ve seen. Good for you.

    Steve Schwartzman

  3. This is a great blog! You beat me to it on the comment front, so thanks for that and I shall add you to my (very exclusive) blog roll.



  4. Brilliant idea on so many levels – wild foraging, contact with nature in urban places, the beauty of naming and deepening our knowledge of the species you’re finding, bringing to life the unsung places – all wrapped up in one of Europe’s most fascinating cities. Bravo! Looking forward to joining in on your wanders from afar…

    Best wishes,

    • Thank you for visiting and leaving such a wonderful comment, Julian! So glad that you found us and enjoy reading our urban botanical musings.

      Your blog is fascinating as well: we especially enjoyed your insightful essay “Faith in a Forgotten Place”. It is a dream of ours to work on an ethnobotany project in southern Albania, examining the plants and their local uses 🙂

  5. My pleasure! Delighted you liked the essay; thanks for taking the time to read it. And I’m sure your dream of working in southern Albania will be deeply enriching when it happens. Happy wanderings!

  6. Hello, I have just moved to Berlin and have been looking up information about the ecology of the city for my own blog. I love your blog and will be reading through it as I explore the city looking at the food/ wildlife value of the native and introduced plants I come across. I will certainly include a link to this site on my page. Cheers for the information and beautiful photos!

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